Protein, Fat, Fiber, Greens Smoothie

I have made a few versions of healthy smoothies over the years and I’ve recently gone back to a old standard with a bit more understanding of how to maximize satiation.
The key to a good smoothie as a meal replacement is to have enough fat and protein in it to be totally satiated until my next meal time without the need to snack in between.

1 - 1.5 cups water or plant milk or coconut water (no sugar added)

1 scoop high quality protein powder (not whey based) - 20-25 grams protein (I use Be Well By Kelly Leveque protein powder)

1/2 avocado

1 TBSP chia seeds

1/4 cup frozen berries 

1 cup baby spinach or other greens

Blend .

Top with a sprinkling of cocoa nibs .


Salmon Patties